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    • This is something you should talk about with your Crew management liason, cause this is not a business that's avalible and for that reason i gotta deny this request for now.
    • New Business notary application from Seraphine Alright   What is your steam name? appledainty What is your character name? Seraphine Alright How old are you? 36 Which business is it that you are currently applying for? The Familiar's Union Local #666 Chapter House (Parsons) What is your background in the current city? I play Seraphine Alright, friendly neighborhood witch and writer of the weekly Weazel News advice article Wednesday Woes. As a roleplayer, my goal is to become a support character or conduit for roleplay, as opposed to pushing myself to the forefront of every scenario. I like using VIBE and the newspaper to weave events and people together - like with the Missing Mars mini-event where VIBE posts led to reward money (#SSKCares) and Mars being recognized immediately on arrival to the city after accidentally stumbling into the Crips, who were then featured (with fake names) in a newspaper article celebrating the return of the missing reporter. Seraphine's position in the crew can basically be thought of as an organizer; I try to figure out what we collectively want to do, create a plan for executing those goals, then help grind whatever is needed to get there. Whether that's through newspaper articles, vibe posts, grinding, raising money, developing marketing materials or business planning, or all of the above, Seraphine is there to assist all her friends and crew members with achieving their intended goals. While Seraphine is most well known for being creepy, a little vapid, and constantly threatening to curse people, this is part of her carefully crafted act. Seraphine pretends to be a little clueless so that people don't realize she's actually a very intelligent white collar criminal and unrepentant grifter who wields propaganda the way that gangbangers brandish their uzis. She's cautious about the kinds of crimes she does, because she wants to avoid long jail sentences, but she likes to commit her crimes in plain sight - often not bothering with a mask when a simple distraction is enough to throw people off. The reason for this is two-fold. First, while Seraphine is not a banger, she's still a thrill seeker and enjoys risk. Second, as a roleplayer I believe that this opens up way more opportunities for growth. It's my philosophy that it's ok to put your character into losing positions, if it is within the realm of their personality and if it will give opportunity for growth. Losses often generate more character growth than wins do. And, if you do pull something off successfully from a losing position, that makes the win more rewarding. Seraphine has two main 'tools' at present - the Meow Meow Curse Card, which she uses to distract and cause mayhem, and the Clean Sweep flyer. While her friends are "cleaning houses" she will stay outside with a burn barrel, chanting and so forth. If questioned, she will claim that she is burning the homeowner's cursed items, or something equally witchy. She uses the Clean Sweep flyer to advertise her witch cleaning service on VIBE, and to distract any parties who approach the house cleaning operation. As her group of feline familiars has grown (she considers anyone who has been exposed to the meow meow curse to be a familiar), she now offers Familiars Union cards. If people pay "union dues", they get an FU card personalized with their catsona name, a curse card, a stipend of 'catnip' (ie, weed), a Clean Sweep flyer, and Seraphine will vouch for them if the police call her to inquire about their activities. Previously, she has sold personalized Food Handling and Taco Truck licenses for those who want to use the taco truck as a cover for selling drugs. Do you have any current gang affiliation in the city? If so, explain. Seraphine is with a recently established "social club" (re: cult) called The Society. We are a group that moved to Lucid City after escaping from Kentucky (Project Zomboid Roleplay) and have therefore developed our own culture and pseudo-religious beliefs revolving around that. Having survived the horrors of Kentucky, our goal as a group is to build a life that meets our vision of happiness (sex, drugs, fast cars) while also preparing for the eventual spread of the zombie outbreak - and since we're all a little crazy, our preferred method of attaining this goal is via scamming, heists, and causing mild mayhem. We consider locals to be zombies, and believe they are easy fodder for the eventual rise of the undead. Now that my group is at the point of being established, I want to start thinking about ways I can expand on the civilian-esque side of my roleplay. I know this was something people brought up at the recent townhall, and thought perhaps this was a good time for a proposal. How many characters do you have within the city, and what are their names?? I only have one character at present; Seraphine Alright. I may eventually bring in my other characters. My alternate characters include Elizabeth Bathory Alright, Seraphine's grandmother - a coroner and religious figure for the cult (the Saint of the Seven, sole survivor and founder of Horminster) and Winifred "Freddie" Teller, Marshall Teller's grandma and purported inventor of the tinfoil hat.   Explain briefly in your own words what a society fund is. A society fund is like a business bank account; the funds are not personal funds, but meant to pay out employees or be used for business expenses. For the Familiar's Union, members would pay dues and those dues would be used for printing costs (curse cards and flyers), catnip (weed) and hosting events. What is your experience with leading a organization? In real life, I am an office administrator and have been for 7+ years. I essentially run a small office, previously an office and attached warehouse, and have handled everything from emails and phones, to bookkeeping, marketing, logistics (supply routes/product distribution) and a little project management. Before that, I worked as an operational analyst and corporate educational mentor for one of the largest banks in the US, teaching and developing educational materials for financial systems and related computer programs. These are more support than leadership roles, but still require many of the skills necessary to lead people and work effectively with a team. I often worked with management, and frequently attended interviews to help determine a candidate's viability when hiring new people for our team or office. I also run my own business as an artist, currently specializing in Japanese silk craft (previously a comic book artist), and have appeared at numerous conventions and exhibitions across the US and Canada. In terms of the game, I have helped run a Burgershot and a custom business called Mars Investigations (with Marshall Teller/usetheforks). I've also helped write the business plans for Mars Investigations and White Widow, which were both approved - but the city closed before White Widow could be implemented. How many hours on FiveM do you have within legal jobs and businesses? 500+ What character traits does your character have that is applicable to a business? My character is (like me) neurotic, organized, and a compulsive grinder. She will work hard to develop her business. What kind of roleplay would you carry out within the business you are applying for? One of the main issues I've seen with Parsons in other cities is that there isn't a great need for an insane asylum or rehab center; there might be one or two people interested in that kind of roleplay, but it's not sustainable long term. I believe that this space can be repurposed for something people are interested in. Since I've started here at Lucid City, I've already been approached by several other players who are interested in getting involved with occult events (seances, midnight bonfire dance, etc.), so I think there is definitely interest in a space like this - they are just in need of someone willing to organize it. Because this "business" isn't going to be heavily dependent on mechanics, and won't really have a large staff or huge number of products being sold, it won't require a lot of upkeep - and can be open for "union members" to visit at will. The Familiar's Union can work with other services - like Weazel News for printing curse cards and flyers, and White Widow or Blaze It for "catnip," expanding business and roleplay opportunities for those establishments as well. We could foster competition between the weed businesses by having them give competing presentations to earn our business. As the union grows, we could also hire Rockford Records to produce a jingle for us, and the police may catch wind of our potentially illicit nature and investigate us. Both the exterior and interior of Parsons can be used for a number of witch or occult-themed events. I understand that an MLO would probably have to be implemented to give the building an interior, and that may not be possible - but it would certainly expand our range of opportunities. If there was an interior, we could potentially add additional decoration through the housing menu to make it spookier and on-brand. Exterior Opportunities include: - A garden space to grow "catnip" for the familiars. This also provides a safe space for familiars to run around when they have the zoomies. - A pool where we can do Exposure Therapy classes (aka pool parties) for witches and familiars. Seraphine claims that she is "allergic" to water, as water melts witches (re: Wizard of Oz) so she and her fellow witches may need to train themselves to tolerate water. Cats generally hate water, so it would make sense that familiars may require this training as well. - Yoga space for cat themed yoga classes, run by apprentice witch Sunny Hinson Interior Opportunities include: - Warded spaces for curse experimentation, removal, and exorcisms - Familiar Conversion Group Therapy, where people who have been unwittingly exposed to the Meow Meow Curse can talk through their experiences - Office space for witches and/or familiars who provide Practical Magic services (Clean Sweep, Familiar Interior Designs) - Seance/Tea Reading/Tarot Reading room While I am primarily focused on roleplay, rather than mechanics, one of my goals with Clean Sweep is to eventually be able to purchase items from members of the Familiars Union, like a pawn shop. I'm not sure if it's possible, but the dream would be to be able to take these items and use them to 'craft' unique or cursed items - like a Double Edged Sword that deals extra damage on crit, but also deals the wielder some damage at the same time. Or a Roulette gun that can one-hit kill, but has a 50-50 chance of backfiring and killing its owner instead. Or perhaps Jewelry that gives buffs to grinding or criming. The Familiar's Union would be able to sell these items through the dark web, without informing potential buyers of any negative side effects, thus spreading a little bit of mayhem and growing more opportunities for roleplay. What are the primary objectives and goals for the business? My primary objective is to provide a framework for occult-themed civilian roleplay opportunities. My secondary goal is to provide support for people who want to execute crime in a way that is less dependent on gun play, by acting as a clean face for petty criminals willing to take on the guise of a Familiar. Do you have any prior experience in regards of running a business? If so, explain. I have run my own business as an artist for more than a decade. I have been developing business plans and running businesses in fiveM for the past year or so. What makes you the most ideal candidate for us to give you this opportunity? I'm a mature adult who is dedicated to this particular brand of roleplay. I enjoy organizing events, and acting as a DM or NPC type character, and would make a good mentor for new players who maybe don't have an affiliation yet. If you are accepted, what would be your first steps to get the business up and running? If accepted, I would immediately reach out to a few interior decorators on getting the various spaces set up for our needs. Then, I would reach out to those players who have already contacted me about setting up an event. We would begin recruiting, and reach out to our various criminal contacts to explain to them exactly what it is that we can offer and ask that they consider membership or present the opportunity to their members. Being in the Familiar's Union doesn't mean you have to join The Society; it just expands a criminal's options for how they want to execute crime.   You go on a hiring spree and have around 10 people working for you, you decide you have had enough for the day and go back to your house and have a nice sleep, the next day you come in and you see that you have actually lost around ,000 out of the society fund, How do you go about investigating where the money has gone? I would look through the transaction and sales history to determine when the money disappeared. Then, I would review the time cards for my employees to see who was on the clock at the time the money disappeared. After that, I would reach out to any employees that were clocked in, and had access to the society fund, to inquire about the unusual expenditures. If the expenditures were inappropriate, and I was running a normal business, I would report the illicit activities to the police before calling a staff meeting to reiterate proper procedures. Otherwise, if I was playing Seraphine and running a sketchy magical cat themed "union", I would fire any individuals involved after thoroughly shaming them on VIBE and make an example of them by cursing them with something stronger than meowing. You get reports that a member of your staff team has been caught doing illegal activities whilst on duty and is risking the integrity of your business and its image that you have worked tirelessly for. You call him in to have a meeting about his work conduct. What do you say to the employee? If I was running a purely legit business, I would reiterate to that employee that the nature of their employment is dependent on their ability to perform their duties, and they aren't being paid to do crime on the clock. If they don't want to work for a living, I will have to let them go. I am fair and believe in giving people second chances; but this isn't baseball, you don't get three strikes - do it again and you're out. However, if it is in the context of the Familiar's Union, I would bring the union member in to discuss the details of what happened. Then, I could offer constructive advice on how to better fool or distract the police, run through example scenarios, and offer to support their story if I am available at the time they get caught. This is a different spin on dealing with an L; instead of getting salty, it encourages people to reassess and git good. It is expected that you as a business owner will put on occasional Events within the city to A, promote your business, and B, to create engagement within our community, What is the first event that you would think about doing and why do you think that your idea is unique? I have spent the past several months randomly giving out Meow Meow Curse cards, and a notable portion of the city's population has either been curse or seen someone else get cursed. So, I would like the first event to be a Familiar Conversion Therapy Mixer. All citizens would be welcome, but the event would be targeted toward those who have been afflicted with the Meow Meow Curse and need a safe space to talk through their experience - or potentially find a witch with whom to collaborate if they decide to join the Familiar's Union. We could advertise on vibe, have flyers and catnip ready to go, and also bring in drinks from one of the local bars. We could have several existing familiars in attendance to explain what the union is and what we offer, and this would also serve as our first recruitment drive. You get approached by another business about a potential business arrangement where both your businesses could work together and help each other grow, You don't know the individual but like the idea, What are you next steps that you would carry out? After vetting the business and determining they are capable of what they are proposing, I would work with them to develop and execute a mutually beneficial business plan. Generally, this starts with an outline that spells out the potential products, pricing, estimates of the time/money involved in production or implementation of said business, and ideas for potential marketing.
    • We currently dont see a need for another mechanic shop.   Thanks for your application.
    • New Business notary application from Lamarcus Davis   What is your steam name? dshxw What is your character name? Lamarcus Davis How old are you? 17 Which business is it that you are currently applying for? Hayes Auto What is your background in the current city? Lamarcus’s background is that he just flew back into the city after being away for a long time, and is looking to meet new faces and make new friends. Lamarcus got a job at the mechanic shop in Sandy called Harmony, and he fell in love with the thought of having his own shop one day. Do you have any current gang affiliation in the city? If so, explain. Yes. The Lost Mc, Right now I am just an “affiliate” or “hang around” in the gang right now. So technically I'm not in the gang, just affiliated right now. How many characters do you have within the city, and what are their names?? I have two characters in the city. One is Lamarcus Davis who is trying to own this business and the other is Beverly Mckinney, and up and coming hopefully future PD Cadet.   Explain briefly in your own words what a society fund is. A Society fund is what is used to pay out employees and what business transactions income goes into when purchases are made. This is the money we will use to complete upgrades and etc for the vehicles that come in the shop. What is your experience with leading a organization? I owned an ammu-nation in the public lucid server not too long ago which was a very dead business, but after hiring new employees we brought it back to a good stable and well runned store. My employees all had to have a weapon license before they could work for me, and they also had to be able to carry a gun. I also was high command as an officer in lucid whitelist not too long ago before killing my character. I had to do things such as train people, and ride alongs. I was also Chief of EMS in Lucid City before retiring after working there for 5+ months. I had tasks such as making sure people were trained, training people so they knew how to train, and do things such as interviews. How many hours on FiveM do you have within legal jobs and businesses? I have about over 1000 hours on fivem in total and within all of those hours about half are with my time in the PD and half is with my time as an EMS and working regular civilian jobs. What character traits does your character have that is applicable to a business? My character Lamarcus will make sure that his business is the top of all the mechanic shops, he will make sure that all his employees are working hard, and he will work hard to bring people into the shop. Lamarcus will for the most part always put his customers first when they are in the shop, excluding when the employee is obviously in the right. What kind of roleplay would you carry out within the business you are applying for? I would do things such as repairs, upgrading people's vehicles and even ordering paint into the mechanic shop to make it more realistic. I would also work toward helping make the city and the community better for the civilians. What are the primary objectives and goals for the business? Make a mechanic shop that is different from the rest of the mechanic shop as regards roleplay, prices, and just how we treat our customers. Our ultimate goal at the end of the day is helping the community and making our shop the best it can be for the people. I would also try and expand the car meet side of the community and let everyone bring their cars out to show and maybe even give a winning prize to the best car. I think this would open up a very exciting scene in Lucid as it is very different. Do you have any prior experience in regards of running a business? If so, explain. Yes, as I explained before, I was the head of many organizations and businesses such as the PD, EMS, and even an ammunition store that I owned before, so I feel like I have plenty of experience. What makes you the most ideal candidate for us to give you this opportunity? My Experience with running very important businesses ultimately. I feel like I kept all the places that worked up and running very smoothly, and just the help that I provided ultimately was really important toward the success of the companies. If you are accepted, what would be your first steps to get the business up and running? Hire people and get things that we need for the mechanic shop such as repair kits, and scrap. I have to find trustworthy/hardworking people that can be beneficial to the shop as that is very important to our success as a business. I would also make emails for the business so that my employees can do logs, and so that the community can join and experience what our shop has to offer.   You go on a hiring spree and have around 10 people working for you, you decide you have had enough for the day and go back to your house and have a nice sleep, the next day you come in and you see that you have actually lost around ,000 out of the society fund, How do you go about investigating where the money has gone? I would hold and investigation about the situation, think what could of happened or if it was my fault because if I hire so many people with so much money in the society fund then it’s my fault, but if that’s not the cause then I could be more careful about who I'm hiring and make people log what they are doing to keep track. You get reports that a member of your staff team has been caught doing illegal activities whilst on duty and is risking the integrity of your business and its image that you have worked tirelessly for. You call him in to have a meeting about his work conduct. What do you say to the employee? I would sit him down and tell him that he can not do that. I would also tell him that it is his first strike, after three strikes he would be fired. If this happened off duty however I would monitor him and tell him that he would be being watched consciously around the shop. It is expected that you as a business owner will put on occasional Events within the city to A, promote your business, and B, to create engagement within our community, What is the first event that you would think about doing and why do you think that your idea is unique? I think that I would hold a car meet/highway takeover where everyone brings their best car to one parking place and we would have three judges to see who has the best car out of everyone, once that is done and the winner is picked the winter will receive a cash prize. After all of that everyone will get on the highway and drive their vehicles together. I think this is unique because no one really holds car meets in the city, especially ones with a cash prize. You get approached by another business about a potential business arrangement where both your businesses could work together and help each other grow, You don't know the individual but like the idea, What are you next steps that you would carry out? I would hear the idea but first I would go over it with my employees and managers to see how they feel about it because ultimately they come first in this situation. I would be careful about how I move because I don’t want a bad business partner, so I would be careful with my decision. After careful consideration and discussing with my team if everything looked good I would accept and give it a shot.
    • My account was hacked months ago. This didn't result in any In-Game issues, but I do know several of my friends messaged me saying they had received spam messages. I enabled 2fa and have since been good to go. I have just got back to doing RP again and when I tried to fly into the whitelisted server it is not letting me. I am also not able to log into the main non-whitelisted site.   
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