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    SECTION 1.



    01.01: The Lucid City criminal enterprise guidelines and policies are the official regulatory guidelines for criminal enterprise organizations in the Lucid City Roleplay community. Sections of the regulatory guidelines are applicable to both the in-game server, but also that of the Discord community server, community forums and the gang management server.


    01.02: Individuals which are responsible for enforcing the criminal enterprise guidelines and policies are known as gang management members. The gang management team consists of staff members and administration staff that have proven to meet the standards and requirements of a gang management member. Regular staff members are unable to deal with and/or enforce any of these rules and policies.


    01.03: These are the principal regulatory guidelines and policies for criminal enterprises in the Lucid City roleplay community. However, there are standard regulatory guidelines that revolves around the general playerbase in the Lucid City community that any and all members and players are mandated to comply with, they can be found here: https://forums.lucidcityrp.com/city-rules/


    01.04: Members of the gang management team reserve the right to take action towards you at their own discretion should you be known to not comply with the criminal enterprise guidelines and policies. Conduct that is deemed inappropriate and unfitting will result in corrective and/or punitive actions. Repeatedly engaging in inappropriate conduct will result in anything from a permanent ban to a community removal.



    SECTION 2.



    02.01: Criminal enterprise organizations depending on their status within the criminal enterprise community have been assigned specific gang quantity limitations. Gang quantities are separated into three different categories, which determines the amount of individuals that can be official members of a criminal enterprise organization. These categories and limitations are as follows:


    • Verified Criminal Organizations: [24]

    • Registered Criminal Organizations: [18]

    • Unregistered Criminal Organizations: [10]


    02.02: Criminal enterprise organizations and alliances are permitted to pursue and engage other criminal organizations and alliances in full force with the intention to go after the specific organization and/or alliance. If law enforcement involve themselves in the interaction, the first priority of involved parties should be to flee rather than stay with the intention to fight law enforcement.


    02.03: Criminal enterprise organizations are restricted by the heist guidelines and regulations as stated by the regulatory guidelines alongside the rest of the playerbase. Group quantities in situations involving any heist is dictated by the standard regulatory guidelines. You are to refer to Section 10, Heist Conduct, 10.02 of the standard regulatory guidelines.


    02.04: You are prohibited from carrying out criminal activity and/or gang activities with members of other criminal enterprise organizations in excess numbers. The capacity in which this is permitted is dictated by the group quantity guidelines in the standard regulatory guidelines. You are to refer to Section 18, Group Quantity Conduct, 18.01 of the standard regulatory guidelines.


    02.05: Official members of a criminal enterprise organization are mandated to be registered with the gang management team. Any information related to removals, additions, and/or changes to criminal enterprise rosters are to be given to the gang management team for review. Taking usage of individuals that are not registered members with gang management is prohibited.


    SECTION 3.



    03.01: Criminal enterprise organizations depending on their status within the criminal enterprise community have been assigned specific associate quantity limitations. Associate quantity limitations are separated into three different categories, which determines the amount of individuals that can be associated with a criminal enterprise organization. These categories and limitations are as follows:


    • Verified Criminal Organizations: [6]

    • Registered Criminal Organizations: [4]

    • Unregistered Criminal Organizations: [0]


    03.02: Criminal enterprise associates are permitted to take part in activities related to a criminal enterprise organization. However, associates can only participate up to the assigned gang quantity limitations of the organization. As an example, if your organization is registered, then your gang quantity is eighteen members. Should sixteen of those members be in-city, then two associates may participate which adds up the total member and associate involvement to eighteen which is the gang quantity limit for a registered organization.


    03.03: Associates of criminal enterprise organizations are prohibited from engaging in conflicts and/or wars that involve a kill on sight agreement. The only people that should be actively participating in this category of conflict are official members that are registered with the gang management team. If you want an associate to take part of the conflict, move them up to member.


    03.04: Criminal enterprise associates are permitted to wear the colors of a criminal enterprise organization. However, each and every organization with associates are expected to create a second variant of their used clothing for associates to use in order to separate associates from members. An example would be a different color on one of the clothing parts or identifiers.


    02.05: Official associates of a criminal enterprise organization are mandated to be registered with the gang management team. Any information related to removals, additions, and/or changes to criminal enterprise rosters are to be given to the gang management team for review. Taking usage of individuals that are not registered associates with gang management is prohibited.


    SECTION 4.



    04.01: As a criminal enterprise organization you are mandated to have an identifier such as clothing with specific color combinations in order to properly represent your organization. Criminal enterprise organizations are expected to use and wear their chosen identifier at any time where activities that involve your criminal enterprise organization are on-going.


    04.02: You are not permitted to assassinate and/or injure people for wearing clothing that your organization wears unless it involves the usage of chains and clothing that has been explicitly made and implemented for your organization. However, your first approach to this should be informing them to take the exclusive clothing off before taking any direct action towards them.


    04.03: Criminal enterprise organizations are permitted to take action against individuals that attempt to impersonate and/or act as a member of their organization in any form or shape. This includes but is not limited to wearing similar clothing with the intention to impersonate and represent an organization that an individual is not a member of.


    04.04: You are permitted to snatch chains and clothing off criminal enterprise organizations in active conflicts and use their chains and/or flags as a sign of achievement and/or victory. However, should you snatch any flags, chains and/or pins that have been explicitly made for an organization, then the organization is permitted to take a more violent approach towards you.


    SECTION 5.



    05.01: You are prohibited from using derogatory and/or discriminating language against other individuals regardless of conflict and/or ininitiations. Attacking other individuals for their affiliation with religion and/or belief, belief in ideology, race, gender and/or sexuality is not permitted within this community. Respect others for who they are, do not discriminate and/or judge for beliefs and things that are out of their control.



    SECTION 6.



    06.01: Conflict and wars between criminal enterprise organizations are permitted and bound to happen with time as storylines are built and evolved. However, proper initiation has to be presented in order to engage in any form of conflict involving firearms and violence. Any conflicts that involve a kill on sight require additional initiation, reasoning, and proper story leading up to the conflict.


    06.02: Conflicts and/or wars that involve an approved kill on sight agreement should lead to progression in storylines, and should lead to the conclusion of the consistent beef and attacks. Conflicts are meant to be carried out in order to properly settle existing issues and beef between two or more criminal enterprise organizations and/or alliances.


    06.03: Any wars that have been approved as a kill on sight conflict must have a series of terms that make sense for the specified conflict. These terms have to be discussed between a gang management liaison with the parties involved in the conflict. Furthermore, the conflict will be given a time and date with a duration, the conflict will be reviewed by gang management staff.


    06.04: Criminal enterprise organizations that are engaged in a kill on sight conflict are mandated to wear their chosen identifiers and colors, they also have to use a specific color format for their vehicles. This will be enforced to ensure involved parties can be easily identified to prevent shootouts against individuals that are not taking part in the conflict and to avoid the chaotic consequences of targeting parties that have no involvement.


    06.05: Involvement from criminal enterprise organizations aside from alliances in kill on sight conflicts is prohibited. Registered alliances with the gang management team is the only exception to this rule as alliances are created to provide assistance to all parties in an alliance. Any external parties getting directly involved such as shooting and/or picking up bodies is not permitted.


    06.06: Initiating conflicts and wars over out of character grudges and issues is prohibited. Any interaction that leads to a conflict or war should be purely based on a storyline with a series of interactions that occur within character. Anything that occurs outside of the city is to remain out of the city, while whatever happens in-character is to remain in-character.


    06.07: Criminal enterprise organizations that are about to have a kill on sight conflict are prohibited from making adjustments to their roster that involve addition of new members if the specified conflict is less than three days away. If you engage in any kill on sight conflict, then you are meant to be confident enough to be able to contest the other parties involved with your current roster.


    06.08: Criminal enterprise organizations that are actively engaged in a kill on sight conflict are prohibited from making adjustments to their roster. This involves but is not limited to the re-assignment of criminal enterprise associates to official members of the organization and vice-versa. However, you are permitted to remove individuals from your roster should it be necessary.


    SECTION 7.



    07.01: In order to join registered and/or verified criminal enterprise organizations, there are certain requirements and expectations that must be met. The requirements vary depending on the status of the criminal enterprise organization as certain organizations are expected to meet a higher level of standards as a result of their given status and assigned category.


    07.02: Prior to joining any criminal enterprise organization you are mandated to meet a certain gametime requirement. This requirement is in effect to avoid rushed storylines, but also to prevent criminal enterprise organizations from bringing in people from other cities to act as associates and/or members of their gang in an upcoming conflict or war.


    • Verified members: [7 DAYS]

    • Verified associates: [5 DAYS]

    • Registered members: [3 DAYS]

    • Registered associates: [1 DAY]


    07.03: Prior to joining any criminal enterprise organization you are expected and required to have been actively playing in the time prior to joining the organization. Joining a criminal enterprise organization with the pure intent to participate in a conflict or war is not tolerated. Therefore, you are required to have been actively playing for a minimum of two weeks prior to joining any organizations.



    SECTION 8.



    08.01: Criminal enterprise organizations are permitted to tax other individuals on their territory that engage in business and activities. The method of taxing other people by gangs and criminal organizations is regular and a valid opportunity. However, no criminal enterprise organization is permitted to tax another individual more than 10% of their values and items.


    08.02: Upon taxing another individual, the criminal enterprise organization is prohibited from forcing taxes on the same individual for a total of 24 hours. Gangs and criminal organizations are not allowed to engage in chain taxing and abusing other players through usage of the taxing regulations, be reasonable and use your common sense. Criminal organizations are required to log any incidents that involve the taxing of another player.


    08.03: Criminal enterprise organizations within the cartel and mafia category are permitted to tax business with the exception of stores and gas stations within their territorial regions as it fits their style and method of roleplay. However, no organization with the ability to tax businesses is allowed to do so over a percentage of up to 15% or up to $100,000. Taxes can either be based on the profits of the business, or it can be based on static taxes.


    08.04: Criminal enterprise organizations within the street gang category are permitted to tax stores and gas stations (SOUTHERN BUSINESSES TEMPORARILY) within their territorial regions as it fits their style and method of roleplay. However, no organization with the ability to tax stores and gas stations is allowed to do so over a percentage of up to 15% or up to $100,000. Taxes can either be based on the profits of the business, or it can be based on static taxes.


    08.05: Criminal enterprise organizations within the motorcycle gang category are permitted to businesses within their territorial regions outside of the city as it fits their style and method of roleplay. However, no organization with the ability to these businesses is allowed to do so over a percentage of up to 15% or up to $100,000. Taxes can either be based on the profits of the business, or it can be based on static taxes.


    08.06: Upon a business being taxed by a mafia or cartel, the specified organization is prohibited from forcing any further taxes on the same business for a total of 1 week. Organizations are not allowed to engage in chain taxing and abusing other businesses through the usage of these regulations, be reasonable and use your common sense. Organizations that are permitted to engage are required to log any incidents that involve the taxing of a business.


    08.07: Attempting to circumvent these regulations by enlisting the assistance of other criminal organizations to carry out similar activities towards the same individuals and/or businesses is prohibited and will result in punitive and/or corrective actions. Refrain from attempting to circumvent and/or loophole our regulatory guidelines and policies.


    SECTION 9.



    09.01: Criminal enterprise organizations are permitted within reason to engage in warfare and shooting through the usage of cars and bikes. However, consistent and non stop rolling gun battles are frowned upon by the gang management team. Gangs and criminal organizations are expected to use common sense and be reasonable while engaging in conflict and beef.


    09.02: The usage of the drive-by method is permitted within the criminal enterprise community to a certain extent. However, appropriate initiation with the targeted parties is mandated prior to engaging in such form for methods. This is a roleplay community in the end, anything involving the injury or death of another individual must have initiation behind it.


    SECTION 10.



    10.01: Criminal enterprise organizations are prohibited from using any hostages that originate from their own organization or group of individuals. Hostages are to be legitimately taken in order for interactions to remain reasonable and realistic, as well as fair for all parties involved. Furthermore, you are prohibited from compensating hostages in order to convince someone to come with you.


    10.02: You are prohibited from taking members of law enforcement and/or government agencies as hostages without valid and reasonable initiations and reasonings. Taking law enforcement officers hostage is relatively unreasonable and unrealistic unless story and roleplay has led up to such a moment. Furthermore, you are not permitted to track down law enforcement and government officials for purposes such as taking them hostages for banks and heists.



    SECTION 11.



    11.01: Criminal enterprise organizations are prohibited from consistently camping high traffic and illicit spots with the intent to take action against other groups of individuals. Organized acts of terrorism and greifing against other individuals and organizations is not permitted. Gangs and criminal organizations are to remain reasonable and fair to other gangs and groups of individuals.


    SECTION 12.



    12.01: While communicating within character and roleplay with other individuals, any members of criminal enterprise organizations are mandated to do so through the usage of radios and/or phones. Refrain from engaging in communication that involves in-character events and interactions through the usage of third party communication softwares such as Discord, Skype, TeamSpeak, and so forth.


    SECTION 13.



    13.01: Individuals that join and participate in criminal enterprise organizations are permitted to leave the specified organization at any given time. However, the specified gang and/or criminal enterprise organization is permitted to assassinate your character in a manner which would prevent you from remembering information that pertains to: (stash houses, properties, hangouts, locations, plans, and so forth)


    13.02: Criminal enterprise organizations that engage in the assassination of a former member of their organization is mandated to do so through proper initiation and roleplay. However, in order for the assassination to be valid, the specific individual must be taken to a specific location and must remain downed within that specific location for a total of 1 hour unless a respawn occurs. Should the individual disconnect from the server, the assassination is forced and completed.


    13.03: Should an individual join a criminal enterprise organization, the individual will be placed on a cooldown which prevents the person from switching to another criminal organization. As of the moment a person joins a criminal organization or a gang, the person is put on a cooldown for one month before being able to join another organization.


    13.04: Individuals that leave criminal enterprise organizations are fully permitted to do so without any limitations or restrictions. However, upon leaving a gang or a criminal organization, the specified individual will be prohibited from joining another organization for a duration of one week as of it being registered with the gang management team.


    SECTION 14.



    14.01: Criminal enterprise members with repeated and consistent amounts of infractions over a short amount of time are to be held accountable by criminal enterprise leaders. Individuals that consistently and repeatedly fail to comply with regulatory guidelines and prove to be a burden on a criminal organization or a gang should be removed by the leadership.


    14.02: Members of criminal enterprise organizations that repeatedly and consistently cause a burden and/or complications for their organization are to be dealt with accordingly by the leadership of the specified criminal organization or gang. Criminal enterprise leadership are accountable for the actions of their members and organization.


    14.03: Criminal enterprise leaders that fail to hold their members accountable for consistent and repeated infractions will be held accountable alongside their organization. As a leader of a gang or a criminal organization you are to hold your members to certain standards, then ensure that the members are held accountable for failure to meet those standards.



    SECTION 15.



    15.01: You are prohibited from turning unnecessary incidents and interactions into complications that involve gang management or staff members. Minor complications and issues can be handled in-character, do not report other criminal enterprise organizations because your organization took a loss or had unfortunate results after an interaction with another.


    15.02: Refrain from using outdated evidence as means to get another organization in trouble out of spite and pettiness. Interactions that are older than 72 hours are considered outdated and irrelevant to avoid revenge and spiteful reports and complaints. Gang management and staff is here to enforce community guidelines and rules, though not through means of revenge.



    SECTION 16.



    16.01: The criminal enterprise system has three categories of criminal enterprise organizations. Each and every category has a different set of boundaries and restrictions, as well as requirements and standards for obtainability. In order to progress from one category to another, the following standards and requirements must be met:


    Verified Organization:


    • Organization must be classified as registered in order to be re-classified as a verified organization.

    • Organization must be three months or older in order to be eligible for verification.

    • Organization must have less than three warnings and less than two strikes.

    • Organization must have a total of 16 members or more.

    • Organization must have a total of 10,000 reputation points or more.

    • Organization must have a total net worth of $2,500,000 or more.

    • Organization must have an established and appropriate identity.

    • Organization must be initiating roleplay with ties to their identity and type of organization.

    • Organization must have a summary, must be detailed and specific.


    Registered Organization:


    • Organization must have a total of 8 members or more.

    • Organization must have a total of 2,500 reputation points or more.

    • Organization must have a total net worth of $1,000,000 or more.

    • Organization must classify themselves as a specific type of organization.


    Unregistered Organization:


    • Organization cannot exceed 10 members.


    SECTION 17.



    17.01: An alliance between one criminal enterprise organization or a couple of organizations is permitted. As a criminal organization you are allowed to have up to two allied organizations. However, any parties involved in the alliance are mandated to be allied with each other, separated alliances are prohibited. The alliance must be registered with the gang management team in order to be valid.


    17.02: Criminal enterprise alliances are permitted to carry out criminal activities with one another. However, criminal enterprise alliances are limited and restricted by group quantity regulations. Any criminal activity both violent and non-violent that has the intention or high probability of involving law enforcement are to be complied with in accordance with the group quantity regulations of the standard regulatory guidelines.


    17.03: Criminal conflicts may be carried out through singular organizations, as well as criminal enterprise alliances. Any conflicts involving two parties or more are to be properly initiated and carried out in accordance with criminal enterprise guidelines. However, the conflict may only involve alliances or parties that have been verified and approved by the gang management team.


    17.04: Alliances may not be amended and/or created throughout the duration of an active conflict and/or war. If an organization is involved in an active conflict with another criminal enterprise organization, then the concurrent conflict must be settled by already involved parties. However, these guidelines may be deemed void if all parties involved determine to allow it.


    SECTION 18.



    18.01: Criminal organizations and gangs will naturally not get along with each other over time. With time, conflict is bound to occur between one or several gangs and organizations. Refrain from engaging in truces in excessive numbers, tension and conflict is necessary to keep everything interesting and running. Keep it reasonable and enjoyable for all parties involved.


    SECTION 19.



    19.01: Criminal enterprise organizations with verification status will have their verification status revoked upon reaching a total of three strikes at the discretion of the gang management team. Verification status may be re-implemented after a waiting period of thirty days after the loss of verification upon the conclusion of a review by the gang management team.


    19.02: Criminal enterprise organizations with verification/registration status will have their organization disbanded upon reaching a total of five strikes at the discretion of the gang management team. However, a review can be requested by the specified organization’s leadership for a review by management should there be a reason to avoid disbandment.


    SECTION 20.



    20.01: These are the criminal enterprise regulatory guidelines and policies of Lucid City roleplay. The guidelines and policies as written are to be complied with at any given time while engaging within our community as a member of a criminal enterprise organization. Should you fail to comply with server regulations and guidelines, actions will be taken towards you and any fellow violators. The penalties for infractions will be determined based on the severity of the infraction, as well as the amount of infractions that you have within the community within the same or similar categories, and in some cases your overall record.

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