Event created by Tamagochi
We have now hit the 50,000 member mark, this is an achievement to be proud and grateful for, an achievement / marker that very very few will ever hit, this server began back in December, throughout the past 6 months it has been rapidly growing to an extent that I have never personally seen before. All the hard work, commitment, effort and contributions made towards this community has paid off from both community members and members of the staff both current and former, however we have a long road ahead of us to make it what we want it to be. With that said, we appreciate you veterans for sticking around for this long, and we welcome the newcomers to the community and hope to see you remain for the long-term. Now, as I said two days ago we will be hosting an event for the 50,000 member achievement, as well as in here giving you pictures of the vehicles that you are going to locate, further information and instructions will be announced near the start.